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Why I started to write on Medium

Tomy (Hitomi)


Hi, everyone. I’m Tomy (Japanese name: Hitomi).

I’m from Japan and in order to get career opportunities in foreign countries.

Why do I think so?

“I don’t want to go home(=Japan)”

According to publish reports, some of Japanese who live in overseas says that “I don’t want to go home(=Japan).”

They say that because their salary in overseas is higher than it in Japan.

I am so depressed.

People in my age group are thinking career in overseas

The greatest the entertainment agency Johnny & Associates announced that some members from one of the most popular singer group “King & Prince” would resign the group.

↓ The Japan Times explains the group in detail.

When I heard this announcement, I was so shocked.

One of the members (Hirano Sho) said that he wanted to have a try in overseas.

They are expected to become the new generation from Johnnys Associates, but they failed to achieve their goal in the Associates.

They are 20s and I’m also in the same age, so I can’t see the news somebody else’s problem. I have to think my career whether in overseas or in Japan.

Also, one of the Japanese comedians Naomi Watanabe started her career in the US and she has streamed podcasts in English.

So, I started to write on Medium in English.

If you’re interested in, let’s keep in touch and follow this account.

Also I’m glad to see your comments with full of love.

Recommends (if you can read Japanese);



Tomy (Hitomi)
Tomy (Hitomi)

Written by Tomy (Hitomi)

Hi! I'm from Japan. Job; EC , crowdfunding, Web designer / hobbies; podcast, travel, Netflix

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